

How to refocus your business during lockdown and self-isolation

On Monday 23rd March 2020, the UK Government announced a three week period of lockdown ordering everyone to stay at home unless it was for essential purposes and for all-non essential shops to close. What exactly this means for the hospitality business still needs to be unravelled but this is the time that a lot of vegan business owners will be refocussing their businesses - both in the short and long-term.

Here are some of the actions you can take whilst your business is unable to operate:

  • Don’t panic! Pivot. This is the time to reflect and breathe. Most likely it is the first time since starting your business that you’ve had some time - use it wisely. Revisit why you set up your business, what your core values are and what you are aiming to achieve. We’re all in this for more than just money!

Read the full post at thebrightclub.co.

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